Updated: September 2024
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9)
"The goal of all education should be a wise and eloquent piety." These words were uttered over 400 years ago by Johann Sturm, a Lutheran who was establishing classical schools in Europe. St. Paul's Lutheran School has this same goal today. We pursue piety, knowledge, and eloquence together as redeemed people in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The purpose of the Parent/Student Handbook is to provide to all students and their parents a set of guidelines for such wise and eloquent piety in and around St. Paul's Lutheran School. If we were perfect saints, we might not need any "rules and regulations," but-because of our sinful nature, we maintain these policies in a spirit of submitting to one another in love (Ephesians 4:1-3). We hope that everyone will receive these policies in accordance with Philippians 2:14-16, which says, "Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom your shine alights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I didn't run in vain or labor in vain."
The entire contents of the Handbook should be read by or to every parent and student. We recognize that the Handbook is imperfect and silent on some issues, which may arise. In cases of disagreement about a particular interpretation or implementation of certain rules, the Headmaster and/or the Board of Christian Education will render decisions that they deem fair to both the students and the school. Parents or guardians who believe that such policies or their implementation constitute undue hardship have recourse under the grievance policy listed below. In such cases, decisions made by the Board of Christian Education convened in an official meeting will be deemed final and binding.
The Board of Christian Education reserves the right to establish new policies and to modify existing policies contained-herein. The implementation of these policies is subject to interpretation by the Headmaster who carries the responsibility for the welfare of all together. The Headmaster may also establish or modify policies as deemed necessary by intervening situations and circumstances subject to the approval of the Board of Christian Education. These new or modified policies will be in effect upon written notice to all parents and students by the Headmaster, generally through the weekly newsletter or note sent home with the student.
Dave Hall
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran School teaches Classical Lutheran Education in order to cultivate the mind and soul of our students and incline them towards God’s truth, goodness and beauty.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran School exists to help parents teach the Word of God to their children, and to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. St. Paul's Lutheran Church and School are both affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Our school is governed, and operated by the congregation and is run by a Board of Christian Education appointed by the congregation's Voters' Assembly. We follow the centuries-old tradition of instructing students in the classical languages, liberal arts, Christian doctrine, and the seven virtues so that they may flourish in faith toward God and love toward their neighbor. Our goal is to bring forth eloquent confessors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wise leaders in our community.
St. Paul's Lutheran School prepares children for the future by providing knowledge and skills to achieve academic excellence, personal growth, and success in a safe, positive and classical Christian environment. St. Paul’s Lutheran School offers a basic education in the core disciplines and humanities: reading, writing, mathematics, science, geography, history, literature, music, and art. Physical education is also an important part of our curriculum. We have high academic standards that seek to promote excellence and achievement from all our students, but we are not an elitist school only for the gifted and advanced learner. We believe that all children can learn, especially when challenged and motivated by specific knowledge, high expectations, exceptional teachers, and the discipline and support of parents. Our low teacher-to-student ratio makes St. Paul’s Lutheran School an ideal setting for children with varying degrees of ability. St. Paul’s Lutheran School does not discriminate against any student on the basis of sex, race, or ethnic background. Enrollment is not limited to Lutherans, but matters of faith will be taught exclusively in accord with the Scriptures and the Book of Concord. Because of limited class size and with regard for the church whose members are investing their money and time in this school, priority for enrollment will be given first to families who are members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Enrollment is then open to the general public on a first-come-first-served basis.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School exists for the purpose of assisting and supporting Christian parents in their God-given responsibilities of raising and rearing their children. Commitment to our Lutheran approach to education is imperative for all parents who would send their children to St. Paul’s Lutheran School. When parents enroll a child in the school, they are pledging their support of our confession of faith and promising to be involved and active with us in every facet of their child’s education.
The teachers of St. Paul's Lutheran School, in carrying out the above stated objectives, commit themselves whole-heartedly to the Confession of Faith as stated in Article III of the Constitution of St. Paul's Lutheran Church: "This congregation accepts and acknowledges all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament as the inspired Word of God and also all the Symbolical writings of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, taken from and in full accordance with the Holy Scriptures." These Symbolic writings are:
"This congregation also affirms that 'A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles', adopted by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1973, is, in all its parts, scriptural and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions. As such, it expresses the position of this congregation on the doctrinal issues contained therein. According to this confession of faith, all matters of doctrine, conscience and Christian life shall be decided."
St. Paul’s Lutheran School seeks to follow a classical education model for its curriculum and approach to teaching and learning. What this means is that we believe there are three stages to learning, commonly called the Trivium: Grammar, which focuses on learning facts; Logic, which focuses on understanding; and Rhetoric, which focuses on integration and synthesis. This approach to teaching and learning goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks, and has served Western Civilization for millennia in teaching and
integrating knowledge into a cohesive unit. Studying quality literature is another hallmark of a classical education. St. Paul’s Lutheran School will draw on quality historical narratives, historical fiction, “living books,” and worthy literature, briefly annotated, from a number of well-known and respected sources.
While most people today are used to one grade per classroom, St. Paul’s Lutheran School uses multi-grade classrooms that utilize additional teachers (instructors) as needs arise. There are many advantages to a multi-grade classroom spiritually, academically, and socially:
St. Paul’s Lutheran School believes that the ability to read is the most important skill to be taught to elementary children to ensure their academic growth and success in school. Our school pledges itself to the teaching of phonics as the foundation for learning to read. Children are taught the basic building blocks of the English language, including proper spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure. Literacy is fostered in our students by grounding them in the skills necessary to read and write the English language.
1 “The Multigrade Classroom: A Resource Handbook for Small, Rural Schools,” educationnorthwest.org/sites/default/files/multigrade-classroom-books 1-7.pdf, November 1999, page 173
St. Paul’s Lutheran School teaches music and the arts on a daily basis. Particular emphasis is given to the art of singing so that the young Christian learns to participate in the devotional richness of the Church’s liturgy and hymnody. In addition, there are many opportunities to explore the vast secular musical and artistic treasures from outside the church.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School has faithful Lutheran catechesis as its central task. The entire catechetical program for all grades falls under the jurisdiction and oversight of the pastors. Catechesis takes place in the school’s worship and prayer life, music program, Bible studies, and daily integration of the faith into academic subjects. Catechetical instruction is given by the pastors and reinforced by the teachers.
Listening to Bible stories, discussing what is heard, praying the Catechism and liturgy, and singing the hymns of the church is part of the daily life of the school. Children learn the entire Catechism by heart by the end of the second grade. Children learn a three year cycle of important Bible passages and hymn verses by heart. Children grow in the Christian faith and life through the integration of that faith into all the academic subjects of the school. They learn to evaluate the real world and our society and culture on the basis of the Word of God and the Christian confession. Children learn the faith by doing those things that will be a part of their Christian life as long as they live.
Foremost in the process of catechesis is the involvement of parents in the catechization of their children. This requires the ongoing catechesis of parents through the Divine Service, adult instruction, Bible classes, and special topic presentations, so that the Word of the Gospel becomes the foundation for their faith and life. This catechesis assists parents in living their Christian vocation, understanding the Divine Service and the church’s liturgy, teaching their children to listen to the Word of God, praying the Catechism in the home, and practicing confession and absolution within the family.
All parents who enroll their children here automatically agree to all conditions set forth in this handbook.
As a result of this confessional subscription, St. Paul's Lutheran School accepts its God given responsibility to admit students of any race and color without regard to ethnic or national origin. In carrying out school-administered policies and programs, it resolves to grant all its students fair and equitable treatment along with equal access to school activities without regard to racial or ethnic origin.
These resolutions do not preclude the preferential treatment, which is due those pupils who hold membership in our congregation, nor do they set aside the possible existence of other valid discriminatory factors, which may apply, to non-member pupils. However, those factors may be determined solely by application of the confessional article of the congregational constitution.
St. Paul's School exists primarily for the training of children of the congregation members. When space allows, it accepts non-member pupils upon approval of the Board of Christian Education. Non-member pupils shall be subject to a six-week acceptance (trial) period in the first quarter of their enrollment.
Kindergarten children must have attained five (5) years of age on or before September 1 of the year of their enrollment.
Pupils who have begun their studies in another school and wish to transfer to St. Paul's must present a transfer and academic transcript from the previous school. The health records held by the previous school are required of each new non-kindergarten entrant (see Transfer-in Students under “Miscellaneous” for more details).
Parents or guardians wishing to enroll non-member students at St. Paul's Lutheran School must fill out a student application and authorization of release of educational and health records for each student. After reviewing the student application and records, a parent interview will be conducted. The Headmaster will notify parents or guardians of acceptance. Families who are delinquent in payment of tuition to St. Paul's Lutheran School or who have outstanding balances at other private schools are not eligible for enrollment at St. Paul's Lutheran School.
Parents must read the Parent/Student Handbook and return a signed copy of the enrollment contract to the School Office.
St. Paul's Lutheran School owned and sustained by all the members of St. Paul's congregation. A Board of Christian Education, the Headmaster being designated as its chief administrator, administers the affairs of the school. However, final authority for all matters pertaining to school governance is vested in the Voters Assembly.
Members of St. Paul's Church contribute to the church and school through their regular weekly envelope offerings. At times, patrons and friends may wish to make a memorial donation or gift to the school. Upon request, the Headmaster will be happy to suggest instructional items that he could purchase through special gifts. A tuition fee is not charged to families who are members of St. Paul's congregation. A tuition fee based upon the number of enrolled children per family is charged to those who are not members of St. Paul's. Non-member tuition fees amount to less than half the congregational expense of educating a student at St. Paul's School. Whenever pupil charges create a hardship, the problem should be discussed with the Headmaster prior to enrollment. The Board has been empowered to adjust based on his recommendation. It is fervently hoped that all families who avail themselves of the opportunities at St. Paul's School will with willing hearts, seek to fulfill their financial responsibility to St. Paul's congregation as God has prospered for them.
Any family facing an unexpected financial emergency such as illness, accidents, or the loss of a job, is expected to act responsibly and contact the headmaster or the school office. When these situations occur, the school will work with the family to ease their burden and to avoid a record of tuition delinquency. If special arrangements are made in those situations, the family is expected to meet the stipulations, which have been agreed upon. Failure to do so will result in the student's enrollment being discontinued. Students whose accounts become two months past due will have their enrollment discontinued until such time as the account is balanced. St. Paul's Lutheran School will pursue families of students whose enrollment has been discontinued through a bill collecting agent or small claims court. When grant monies are available, families may apply for them. Eligibility will be determined according to the scale set by the government. A family must make their IRS tax returns available for verification. Generally speaking, all families are expected to make some payment toward their fees. Exceptions may be made for those who seriously desire this education but are in dire need. Cases will be considered for all children who wish to attend the school. There is no financial aid for the payment of fees and uniforms except for those in dire need.
A registration fee is charged for all pupils. This fee covers the use of all textbooks and workbooks, and all supplies. Students in grades three through eighth are expected to use their own Bibles, catechisms, and hymnals. These three items are provided to you at no cost. Replacements may be purchased at cost if they need to be replaced due to loss or destruction. Athletic fees are charged for students in grades 5-8 who wish to participate in the after school sports programs. Parents may purchase milk for the lunch period for pupils in grades K -8 on an annual basis for a nominal fee.
A health record from a doctor is to be presented by the pupil upon entering Kindergarten. A second one is to be submitted at the beginning of the sixth grade. In both instances, a physical examination is required before entering school at these grade levels. Evidence of professional visual and auditory examinations is also required at these times.
In case a child meets with an accident at school, the home will be notified. If parents cannot be reached, immediate steps will be taken to provide proper care for the injury. A series of emergency phone numbers for each child is requested.
All absences must be excused with a reason for the absence given by a parent either by phone or in writing.
Daily Attendance
Regular attendance is important to a child’s success in school and establishes good work habits and self-discipline. All absences are to be verified by a call or note to the school office from a parent or guardian before 8:10 a.m. on the morning of the absence. If you must take your child out of school early or bring them late because of doctor or dentist appointments, please inform the teacher in writing the day before. Students who are dismissed from school early must have a parent or guardian pick them up at their classroom. Please come to the office first for admittance to the building and to sign students out. The school requires students who are enrolled to attend DAILY during the entire regular school term. Excessive absence is harmful to the complete development of a child. Absences more than 25 days annually may result in retention at grade level.
To provide an orderly start to the school day, students are expected to arrive on time. Students who are tardy must report to the school office. A child is considered tardy if he or she arrives in the classroom after the official start time (8:15), but within 50 minutes (9:05) of that time. Students arriving later than 50 minutes will be marked absent for one-half day of school. Students who leave school more than 50 minutes before dismissal time (3:15 p.m.) will also be marked absent for one-half day of school. Students in grades 1 through 8 will serve a detention after being marked tardy every five times. (3:15-4:00 p.m.). There will be a ONE HOUR KEEP charge to the parents for each tardy detention. After the third detention, a meeting with the headmaster is required to work out a plan to reduce tardiness.
Assignments are given for constructive exercise for mastery of new concepts, skills, or facts and maintaining previously learned knowledge.
The pupils are given the opportunity to complete in school many of their assignments. If a child seems to have an excessive amount of homework, parents should arrange to discuss the problem with the teacher.
Absences from school are not an excuse from completion of assignments. It is the obligation of the child and the parents to see that all assignments are satisfactorily completed. Assignments given during the absence of a student may be required at the discretion of the teacher. A morning phone call before school hours between 8:00 and 8:40 on the day of an absence will allow the teacher to collect assignments for after school pickup.
Parents should also check their children's work regularly. It is essential for building character that the children submit school work on time and work through assignments thoughtfully and neatly.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School may assign some amount of homework to many of its students at any given time. Below are the primary reasons or causes for homework being assigned:
Homework may also be assigned to students who, having been given adequate time to complete an assignment in class, did not use the time wisely. The homework, in this situation, serves a disciplinary purpose but is not to be considered as punishment. Homework directly related to the curriculum/syllabus (such as extra problems or questions on a unit the rest of the class is working on) is not to be assigned as a punishment for improper behavior, lest homework be identified in the student's mind as punishment rather than a constructive exercise for mastery of a subject. The teacher may, however, assign work that is to be done outside of class such as writing sentences or writing a report -this, however, is not to be considered as homework. Since homework, by its nature, takes time at home, it is not to be assigned due to the teacher's poor planning or in place of an assignment, which could have been completed in school. The student's time at home is to be encroached upon for only the best of purposes. The necessity for doing homework will vary from grade to grade and even from student to student.
The guide below should be regarded as maximum times, not as required minimum times, and then, only homework is assigned. In any event of homework normally being assigned, a Weekly Homework Assignment Sheet should be used in Grades 1-3 and a student-owned assignment book should be used in Grades 3-8.
The parent is responsible for making certain that the child has a suitable environment for study. Sounds from audio devices, the television, and unnecessary conversation should be eliminated while the student studies. When possible, provide encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works. A wholesome attitude toward homework should be developed in the home and given high priority by the family. Parents should show a vital interest in the work, encouraging children, but never doing the work for them. Parents are encouraged to take their children to libraries, museums, and other educational sites. Parents should strive to understand the purposes of homework and discuss this with their child. The parents' attitude will do much to help the child be successful. Teachers are willing to assist parents in this regard.
Parents need to take time to sit and read with their children every night. Children enjoy this more than most people realize. Parents should read to the children if the children cannot read for themselves. They should also sit and listen to their children read, not interrupting too frequently with long explanations. Simply correct or pronounce a difficult word and let the child go on. When the chapter or reading is concluded, go back to review the pronunciation or meaning of difficult words. If you don't know the meaning yourself, show your child the importance and ease of looking it up in a dictionary.
For math concepts, casually drill math facts in everyday situations. These may include trips to the grocery store, the gas station, or even in the kitchen with simple recipes. Encourage children to share their memory work Scripture passages, catechism, or hymn verses as well as the Shurley Grammar jingles and History timeline when applicable.
The following grading scales are used. Grades may be recorded per the letter scale of A– F or on a number scale from 1–3. Which scale is used is determined by the teacher based on the amount of course time and assignments completed. An “N” indicates that grading for that course or grade level is not appropriate.
New homework is not normally assigned over the weekend or over holidays and vacation periods for students in Grades K-5. However, if students fail to complete their daily seat-work for which the teacher has given ample time, they may be expected to complete that work over the weekend or holiday. Students in Grades 6-8 may have some homework over the weekends that should not last more than 30-45 minutes total - or some minor research work on special occasions (though not over vacation periods). These guidelines assume the average student your child's average may differ.
AUTHORITY AND DISCIPLINE: Parents and the School
We believe that children's lives, discipline, and upbringing are ultimately entrusted by the Lord God to their parents. This relationship is testified in the Bible:
(Deuteronomy 6:6-7) "And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. "
(Ephesians 6:1-4) "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother' (this is the first commandment with a promise), 'that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth.' Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."
(Colossians 3:20-21) "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. "
The authority and discipline maintained corporately in the school is viewed as the extension and augmentation of parental authority and discipline. Martin Luther explains the Fourth Commandment, "We should fear and love God that we may not despise our parents and masters, nor provoke them to anger, but give them honor, serve and obey them, and hold them in love and esteem."
The faculty and staff do not function above parents but rather with the authority delegated to them from the parents. This parental authority is delegated when parents agree to the terms and conditions stated in this handbook for the care and education of their children.
The Bible states that:
(Proverbs 12:1)"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid."
(Proverbs 29:17) "Discipline your son, and he will give you rest; he will give delight to your heart."
(Hebrews 12:5-11) "And have you forgotten the exhortation which addresses you as sons? -'My son do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor lose courage when you are punished by him. For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves and chastises every son whom he receives.' It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Besides this, we have had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time at their pleasure, but He disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."
Discipline at the School is not considered in negative terms. Discipline is understood to be a firm, loving admonition and training to know and do what is right. It has absolutely nothing to do with physical or verbal abuse, or manipulation of behavior by intimidation and ridicule. Rather, it has reasonably unpleasant consequences for poor performance or inappropriate behavior to deter such performance and behavior in the future, while offering encouragement and positive examples to achieve success. In practice, classroom management is the preferred method of discipline at the School. Classroom regulations are summarized by the following 5 rules:
Listen the first time.
Obey right away.
Respect people and property.
Do your personal best.
Keep a place for everything and everything in its place.
These rules may be remembered using the following mnemonic device: L-O-R-D Keep, which are the first two words in a favorite hymn at the school, "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word."
Normally, teachers will note the breaking of these rules with a name or mark being written on the board and will note the keeping of these rules with positive reinforcement. Sitting quietly, paying attention, asking questions respectfully and working hard will be encouraged by compliments.
Each student is responsible for his or her own actions. Students are expected to conduct themselves in ways that honor the Ten Commandments and the Words of Christ from Matthew 22:36-39:
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he [Jesus] said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
The behavioral expectations established by the school are designed to prepare students for the responsibilities and situations they will face later in life; and to prevent interruptions to learning caused by unpreparedness or behavioral disruptions. The school encourages all to conduct themselves in attitude, demeanor, and work as befits their God-given vocations.
We expect that our students will develop and exhibit the following behaviors:
We expect that our students will avoid the following behaviors:
Any un-Christian conduct by students or family members away from the school which brings untoward public scrutiny of St. Paul's Church or School will be dealt with in appropriate manner up to and including expulsion as determined by the Board of Christian Education whose decision is final.
Non-classroom disciplinary actions may be described as follows:
Maintaining discipline in the classroom is not inconsistent with the practice of forgiveness and unconditional love which is central to the Christian faith and life. Behavior consequences are administered fairly by teachers as appropriate to the situation and the student’s need for correction; thus, consequences may not be the same for similar infractions by different students or different time of year.
Parents will be notified by the teacher of behavioral situations that have not responded to correction, missing school work, poor assignment quality, and chronic dress code violations.
Students may be sent home for the remainder of the day for situations of bullying, cheating, fighting, disrespect of authority, lying, stealing, or physical violence.
Headmaster will document each time a student is sent home as a result of the student violating the discipline policy. This record is kept in the student’s file in the office to be removed and destroyed at the end of the school year.
Expulsion removes a student from the school for the remainder of the school year because of repeated suspensions, because of gross misconduct and/or insubordination, when a student cannot/will not abide by the foregoing standards of conduct and behavior, or if parents do not honor their commitment to the school. Expulsion is a decision made by the Board of Christian Education after investigation by the board. The parents of the student involved shall receive a fair hearing before the final decision is made: The students may not be re-enrolled in a subsequent school year without board approval.
Promotion and Retention Policy
Students who achieve passing credit in all subject and skill areas are eligible for promotion to the next grade level. Students who fail to achieve passing credit in one or more subject or skill areas may be promoted provisionally or may be subject to retention or discontinuation of enrollment. The teacher will make initial recommendations; the Headmaster will make final determination.
Every effort is made so that a student succeeds at St. Paul's Lutheran School. Retention is to be avoided if possible. A student may be considered for retention in grades K-8 if the following criteria are met:
Grade point average remains below C for three of the four quarters Less than 10% improvement in grades during the fourth quarter Remedial work such as summer school or tutoring are refused; Diagnostic Testing for learning disabilities has been completed; Light's Retention Scale has been considered; Achievement tests have been taken into consideration.
Students may be considered for retention based on behavior or maturity, especially in Kindergarten. In the case of a student who willfully and persistently refuses to do the work necessary to succeed, one recommendation will be that the student be enrolled at a different school. If there will be no substantial difference in educational approach for the student if the student is retained, one recommendation will be that the student seek enrollment at a different school.
The following procedure must be met if there is any likelihood that a student may be retained:
If the student's grade point average is below C for the first semester, a written notice indicating the possibility of retention must be completed by the teacher and reported to the Headmaster. Once the notification has been signed and returned by the parent, a copy will be supplied to the parent, the Headmaster, and placed in the student's file.
A case conference with the parents, teacher, Headmaster and other professionals deemed necessary will be called to meet no later than January 31 of the current academic year to discuss what must be done to help the student progress, such as an individualized educational plan (IEP).
If after the third quarter the student's grade point average remains below C, a case conference will be held to discuss improvements necessary during the fourth quarter and arrangements made for summer school and any other remedial work. Intent to Retain letter must be filled out by the teacher and signed by the teacher and headmaster. A copy will be given to the parent and placed in the student's file.
The final decision whether to retain a student or to discontinue a student's enrollment based on grades will be at the discretion of the headmaster in consultation with the Board of Christian Education. Notification regarding retention will normally be made within two weeks of the last day of the academic year, but the decision to retain may be arranged earlier with the parent's consent.
In the event that a parent is not satisfied with any decision regarding the retention of the student, recourse is available by mailing a letter to the chairman of St. Paul's Lutheran School's Board of Christian Education within 30 days of the end of the academic year. The Board of Christian Education will consider the parent's request for review at the regular meeting following receipt of that letter. A final and binding response will be mailed to the parent within 10 days of that meeting.
Enrollment Review: After the academic year has been concluded, the faculty will convene with the Headmaster and other support staff as deemed necessary to review the enrollment applications for all returning students. This committee may choose to discontinue the enrollment for students who have been disruptive or destructive during the academic year or who, in their judgment, would be served better at another school. Notification of this decision will normally be made prior to July 1. Those who wish to contest this decision have recourse by writing to the Chairman of the Board of Christian Education who will address the matter at the next regularly scheduled Board of Christian Education meeting. The Secretary of the Board of Christian Education will notify the family as soon as possible after that meeting. In the event that the decision of the Enrollment Review is reversed, the Headmaster may stipulate a probationary plan for the student, as he deems necessary.
Generally, students receiving passing semester grades in all core subjects will be promoted and students with two or more failing semester grades in core subjects will be retained. If, for any reason, a student does not demonstrate proficiency, it is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to recommend retention. This is to ensure the student has mastered grade level expectations and will have a good chance of being successful at the next grade level. Students failing to meet the above requirements may be promoted in special circumstances. If the parent(s) of the child do not agree with the teacher’s recommendation, they may bring their concerns to the Retention Review Committee for consideration. All decisions made by this group are final.
The Retention Review Committee will consist of one Board of Christian Education member, the Headmaster, and up to three teachers. These teachers will be the current teacher, the teacher in the grade level below the student, the teacher in the grade level above the student, and one other teacher (if staffing makes this possible).
When parents challenge the teacher’s recommendation, their concerns are brought to the attention of the Retention Review Committee and both parties will meet with the Committee simultaneously. Each party will have a chance to speak without interruption. The Committee will discuss the matter privately. The Headmaster will inform all parties of the Committee’s decision. Appeals to the Board of Christian Education may be made by either party if, and only if, they feel that proper procedures were not followed.
Parental Follow-Up
The goal of discipline is to work with parents to reinforce and support standards of responsibility, courtesy, respect, and behavior that are an important aspect of children’s education, and to prevent the loss of valuable instructional time. The maintenance of an orderly and harmonious classroom is essential to learning.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to use the opportunity to teach, administer consequences, and support their child’s teacher. In the case of missing/late assignments or poor assignment quality, parent/guardian is encouraged to work with his student to complete, correct, or redo the assignment.
Reporting Unacceptable Behavior
If a child reports to his parent or guardian any incident of unacceptable behavior that occurs during school hours, the parent or guardian needs to promptly inform the child’s teacher.
Bullying Policy
Bullying is defined as an intentional written, verbal, graphic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibit repeatedly toward another student, and the behavior both:
1. Causes mental or physical harm to the student.
2. Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other students(s).
Bullying will not be tolerated at St. Paul’s Lutheran School. But as we are all sinners and all in need of repentance and forgiveness, bullying will be dealt with by the Headmaster and faculty on a case by case basis, encouraging repentance, as well as confession and absolution.
Grievance Policy
Normally, the decisions and actions of the headmaster and/or teacher regarding classroom management are final and should be received in a gracious way by students and parent/guardian even if the results of those decisions and actions are not what were anticipated. Similarly, all decisions and actions of the headmaster regarding academic policy and operational procedure are final. In the case of parent/guardian dissatisfaction with the classroom management issue with a teacher, the parent or guardian may contact the headmaster after having first spoken respectfully and privately with the teacher.
If a parent/guardian consults with the headmaster, or a Board of Christian Education member prior to his speaking with the teacher or headmaster respectively, the parent/guardian will be advised to first meet with the teacher or headmaster directly. If, after meeting with the teacher and headmaster, the parent/guardian is still dissatisfied, the matter may be submitted in writing to the chairman of the Board of Christian Education. The matter will be addressed at the next officially scheduled Board meeting. All decisions of the Board in the matter of grievances are final. If the parent/guardian is dissatisfied with the Board’s decision, and they are members of the congregation, the matter may be brought to the Voter’s Assembly.
St. Paul’s Lutheran School’s appearance standards set a tone at school for learning in which students are expected to do their best, study faithfully, and work hard. It provides a consistently attractive and neat appearance for all students, avoids peer pressure in matters of dress, minimizes study distractions, and provides a uniform dress for all off campus public appearances. Clothing, hair, and grooming should not call undue attention to one-self but be in harmony with the practices of a Lutheran School.
The Board of Christian Education of St. Paul's feels that in a school setting in which learning can thrive, dress which draws undue attention to a person, represents a fashion extreme, or has objectionable content has no place. These same constrictions are true of hairstyle, hair color, and the uses of jewelry and make-up. Extremes in any of these areas are to be avoided. Parents are ultimately responsible for the compliance of the dress code.
Parents are asked to monitor their children closely. The headmaster reserves the right to exercise discretion in the appearance code so that safety is maintained at school and the dress of students falls within the overall spirit of this policy. Questions about dress should be directed to the headmaster. Chronic or notable offenders will be asked to call home to have parents bring appropriate dress before being permitted in class.
The Board of Christian Education of St. Paul's Lutheran School reserves the right to establish the policy that determines what constitutes acceptable dress, hairstyles, jewelry or other clothing accessories:
Illness and School Absences
If a student becomes ill during school, he or she should notify the teacher, who will help make appropriate arrangements for the student’s care and/or parent pick-up. Students who are ill and absent from school cannot participate in after-school events or extra curricular activities for that day. Students must be fever free, with no vomiting or diarrhea for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school.
If a child shows signs of illness (sore throat, unexpected rash, uncontrollable coughing or sneezing, etc.) parents are urged to keep the child home until the condition is remedied. In case the child has contracted a contagious disease, parents must immediately notify the school. If a student does not have the ability to control their symptoms (coughing and/or sneezing with their mouth open) the parents will be advised to pick them up, and have them go home. If this is not possible, the student may be required to wear a mask, if it is a serious illness.
In the case of communicable or contagious disease/condition i.e., head lice, measles, staph infections, pneumonia etc., notification will be sent home to all parents if deemed necessary by the Headmaster. All care will be given not to identify those students who are infected.
If a child is instructed to take medicine in school, his/her teacher should be notified in writing from a responsible adult. If a pupil's physical education activities are to be limited, written physician's instructions must be presented to the school (see the Medication section below under “Miscellaneous” for more details).
Family Death or Terminal Illness
If there is a death, terminal illness, or a similar traumatic situation in your family that may affect the student’s attendance, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, or level of concentration, please notify the student’s teacher.
Extended Family Vacations
Parents planning to take their children on a trip that will take them out of school must notify the school in writing at least one week before the trip. Lengthy trips that cause the student to miss class time are discouraged. It becomes the parent and student’s responsibility to make arrangements with teachers for any missed assignments and to complete any assigned work upon return. The student is responsible for all work missed. At the teacher’s discretion, advance work may or may not be prepared before the vacation absence.
Electronic devices and cell phones
Students may not have personal electronic devices such as tablets or cell phones in their possession during the school day or during any school-sponsored event. If a student brings an electronic device to school, the student must give it to a teacher upon entering the building. He or she will receive it back at the end of the day. The school staff, faculty, and Board of Christian Education will assume no responsibility in circumstance for the loss, destruction, damage, or theft of any such device.
Any electronic devices provided by the school will be used in accordance with teacher instructions.
Field Trips and Special Events
Field trips and special events are privileges for students who have completed the work necessary to participate. Students who are ill, absent from school, or unprepared for the field trip or special event will not be allowed to participate.
Whenever students are traveling away from the school, they are subject to the same rules, regulations, and appropriate politeness and civility observed on the school campus. In the classroom, acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior will be determined by the headmaster or teacher. Any student who does not show proper behavior while on a field trip is excluded from the next field trip. Drivers are asked not to distribute snacks to the students in their cars. Except for rare occasions, siblings of parent drivers/chaperones may not attend.
Parent drivers are required to have working seat belts to individually accommodate each person in the car. Adult drivers must provide the school office with a copy of their driver’s license and current proof of insurance. Illinois law requires safety seats for students up to the age of 8 or students weighing less than 40 pounds.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held in accordance with state safety guidelines.
Holiday/Event Celebrations
As a general rule, “class parties” during the school day will be kept to a minimum to avoid the loss of valuable instructional time. At the same time, however, the school recognizes the importance of social interaction and the sense of community that can be developed through such celebrations. Students may provide a treat for all students at lunchtime to celebrate their birthday.
Daily chapel may observe the many festivals and saints’ days throughout the church year.
Lunch Time
Our food, along with everything we have, is a gift from God. The school’s lunch policy reflects our gratitude for all that we’ve been given. It is intended to foster good eating habits among our children so that they become faithful stewards of God’s gifts.
Students in grades 6th through 8th are permitted to use the microwave, lower grades must ask for assistance from an adult. Items from home that need to be kept warm should be sent in a thermos. Politeness and civility are expected at lunchtime. Lunchtime is also reserved for conversation and social interaction. Students ask a blessing and return thanks together before and after lunch. Students are expected to remain at school for lunch and to pick up after themselves.
If a student bringing a lunch from home forgets his lunch, the parent will be contacted.
We do not have napkins and utensils available, so students should have these items in his/her lunch.
Students may not have medication in their possession. Authorized school employees shall administer all medication.
All medications must be given to the school secretary under headmaster advisement.
Any drug that may lawfully be sold over the counter without a prescription may be administered to a student in compliance with the written instructions of the student’s parent or guardian. Medication must be in an original container.
Any prescription drug may be administered in compliance with the written directions of a physician if the student’s parent or guardian consents in writing. All such medication must be in the original prescription container/bottle.
No school employee may be required to administer medications. In certain situations, parents/guardians may be required to come to school to administer certain medication regimens.
Parent-Teacher Communications
Report cards are issued four times a year and are sent home with the pupils, to be returned with a parent signature. Parents should feel free to consult with their child's teacher whenever they feel the need. Teachers may be contacted by phone at school. Teachers will return phone calls at the end of the school day or in the evening. Notes may be written for teachers in the student's planners or attached to the daily assignment sheet in their students’ “take home” folder. Parents/guardians may also schedule appointments to meet personally with teachers. Conferences should be held at times when matters can be discussed without the constraints of the daily school schedule. Arrangements for conferences should preferably be made during the hours immediately before and after the school day. While most difficulties are easily solved on the telephone, parents are requested to avoid hurried or telephoned conversations that deal with serious problems.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences may be scheduled whenever necessary. At the end of the first quarter, Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled for each student. Teachers will make conference time available after each grading period.
Possession of Tobacco or Alcohol, Other Drug Use and Possession, and Weapons
On school and church property, school students are prohibited from:
The headmaster and faculty may search through student possessions during a school day or during a school-sponsored or required event. The headmaster and/or faculty shall confiscate any item listed above and the parent/guardian notified immediately. Because possession of controlled substances and illegal drugs are illegal in Illinois, the police will also be notified. Further school discipline and/or other interventions, deemed appropriate by the headmaster on a case by-case basis, will be administered.
SALT (Serving and Laboring Together)
Families are expected to participate in volunteer activities in support of the school. Families participating in the school in volunteer capacities are helpful to our students’ academic success. The sign up book is located in the school office. Opportunities will be publicized in newsletters and emails on a weekly basis.
School Hours — Arrivals and Departures
The school hours of instruction are from 8:15 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. children are not permitted in the building until 8:10 a.m. They should come directly to school and not loiter on corners, at people's homes, or in stores on the way. After classes are dismissed, pupils are not allowed to loiter on school grounds or play in the parking lot. All parents are urged to be prompt in picking up their children after school.
Students should eat their lunch in the Parish Hall or their classrooms under the supervision of their teacher; pupils are not allowed to leave the school grounds during the lunch period. Exceptions to this rule are made if the child presents a written request from parent to teacher. Bicycles may be ridden to school, but must be promptly locked up upon arrival. A teacher may direct a student to keep his bicycle at home if he or she shows disregard for bicycle safety.
Before and after school, children should not cross in the middle of the street without adult supervision. The parking lot is directly across the street from the entrance of the school and the urge to "cut across" without adult supervision must be restrained.
Parents should not park and wait in front of school when dropping off and picking up their children. This creates an even greater hazard. Please park in the lot.
Inclement Weather Closure
The headmaster, in consultation with the Board of Christian Education will make decisions regarding closure for inclement weather. If the school closes mid-day due to inclement weather, parents will be called by the school. If the school has to close for any other emergency reason, parents will be called by the school.
Sports Requirements
All students participating in after-school sports activities must have a Consent to Treat form signed prior to participating in sports practices or events.
Athletic fees are charged for students in grades 5-8 who wish to participate in the after school sports programs.
All students participating in after-school activities must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on his/her report card and no missing assignments on the day of an event.
Students must be in attendance at school on the day of the event or receive consent from the headmaster to participate.
Students may use school phones for matters of an urgent nature after obtaining permission from their teacher or headmaster. Personal mobile phones are permitted to be used upon permission of the teacher; otherwise, mobile phones will be maintained in a location accessible, but separate, from the student.
Transfer-in Students
K-8 Students may transfer in from other schools as long as they can meet academic standards for their grade level and beliefs will not be a detriment to the other students. Before a transfer-in student is accepted, the parents and student must meet with the headmaster and pastor. The student must also complete academic testing with a teacher and/or parents must submit standardized test results from the previous school year
Tornado Drills
Tornado drills are held each year in preparation for the tornado season.
Tuition Payments
Tuition payment plans are set up at the time of registration. Tuition may be paid annually, semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. Monthly payments are due on the twentieth day of each month beginning with the month of August preceding the academic year for which the payments apply.
The school reserves the right to call for the full payment of unpaid tuition balances in the event that tuition payments are late, or parents have demonstrated a history of tardiness in their tuition payments. Failure to pay tuition according to the agreed upon plan will result in the discharge of these students from the school.
Parents who voluntarily withdraw their child from St. Paul’s Lutheran School are responsible for the balance of the tuition for the current semester. Prorated refunds will be issued for students excused by St. Paul’s Lutheran School through the current semester. Records will be released upon balance of tuition paid. Teachers provide a list of student personal supplies at the beginning of each academic year that is to be purchased by parents.
Financial Policies and Procedures:
Non-payment of Tuition and Financial Obligations
Services may be suspended or re-enrollment denied if payments are not kept current. All tuition and fees from the previous school year must be paid in full before the student will be allowed to begin the next school year. If payments are more than one grading period behind (one quarter of the school year), the student will not be allowed to remain enrolled for the next grading period. In other words, if payments are more than approximately 90 days delinquent, the enrollment status will be re-evaluated. Example: if in January, tuition is still owed from the first quarter, the student will not be allowed to begin the third quarter. Any exceptions to this policy can only be made by the Board of Christian Education. Families must have paid 1) the (re)registration fee in full, and 2) at least 1/10 of total tuition and fees for the year (one monthly payment), in order to continue enrollment for the next quarter.
Walkers and Bikers
Parents must give written permission for their children to walk or ride a bicycle to and from school. Students will not be under school supervision after 3:15 p.m. In the case of after school activities, the faculty representative is the supervisor up until the completion of the program.
Asbestos Information
In compliance with the EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) regulations(40CFR763), the Asbestos Management Plan can be found in the Main School Office for review. If you would like to review the plan, 24 hour notification would be appreciated. Any questions regarding the Management Plan or review of the records can be directed to Erich Lams.