St. Paul's Lutheran School teaches music and art to all students on a regular basis. Particular evidence is given to the art of singing so that the young Christian learns to participate in the developing richness of the Church's liturgy and hymnody. In addition, there are many opportunities to explore the vast secular musical and artistic treasures from outside the church.
Much like art, students are to develop an appreciation and awareness of the great musical compositions, composers and themes of classical music even as they are exposed to music theory. They develop their own musical abilities through choir classes, using their voices together for liturgical and hymnic purposes.
Luther on Music:
“We cannot do without music in our schools. A schoolmaster must know how to sing, or I would not allow him to teach.Nor ought we to ordain young theologians to the sacred office, unless they have first been well-tired and practiced in the art and in the school… If any one despises music, as all the fanatics do, I cannot confide in him. For music is a gift and bestowment of God; it does not proceed from man. It drives away the devil and makes men happy. In it, we forget all anger, lasciviousness, pride, and every vice. Next to theology I rank music, and hold it in almost equal honor. For look how David and all holy men have uttered their heavenly meditation in verse, rhyme and song.” (W-T5, No. 6248)
The intent of the art curriculum is to foster an appreciation for the arts, both performing and graphic, making a distinction between arts and crafts. Students will learn to recognize famous works of art and artists who painted them. Likewise, they will learn to recognize various trends in art and architecture: e.g. Baroque, Gothic, Medieval, Renaissance, Romanesque, Impressionism, etc. Students will have the opportunity to work with components of art (e.g. shape, form, color, payout, perspective) and to get experience in numerous media such as ceramics, ecclesiastical embroidery, water color, acrylics, linoleum block, silk-screening and the like.