Mr. Hall is the headmaster of St. Paul's and teaches K-8th grade history and science. He also teaches physical education to grades 3rd-8th. He received his B.A. from the University of Illinois, his teaching certification from Governor's State University, and an M.A. in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, Chicago.
Mrs. Klotz teaches 6th-8th grade art. She has a B.S. from Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky. She is a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, with her husband and two daughters.
Mr. Gercken teaches 3rd-8th grade music, Religion and Latin. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Illinois and M.A. degrees in Music and Religion from Concordia University Chicago.
Mrs. Greco teaches grades 3rd-8th literature, English and grammar and Spanish. She attended Eastern Illinois University and has degrees in education, Spanish, and health science. She has taught all levels and many different subjects, most involving language, grammar and writing. She was a teacher at Bourbonnais High School, Walther Lutheran, St. Paul’s, St. Edmund’s, Riverside-Brookfield, and now here again at St. Paul’s.
Mrs. Duffy teaches grades Kindergarten-2nd. She has degrees in Elementary Education and Music Education from Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. She has taught in both general and music classrooms.
Mrs. Krueger teaches 3rd-8th grade Saxon Math. She attended Northern Illinois University. She is a member of St. Paul's with her husband and four daughters.
The Rev. Dr. Edward Naumann provides daily chapel services for all of the students at St. Paul's, and teaches Catechesis class to grades 6th-8th. Pastor Naumann was born in Bellshill, Scotland and studied at Merchant Taylor's School for Boys and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He received his Doctorate at the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., with emphasis on Early Christianity, and in 2010 attended seminary at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.